Arts, culture and nightlife

Years of state and federal budget cuts, lockouts and lockdowns have hurt our creative, cultural and late night industries. We're helping rebuild, for a city we can be proud of.

Arts, culture and nightlife

We campaigned for the rollback of State-imposed lockout laws and have introduced new planning controls that makes it easier for businesses to trade later, host entertainment or expand into the adjacent public areas.

We have updated planning controls to cut red tape and enable venues to trade later, and support late-night trading including retail, services and food.

We invest over $35 million every year in cultural grants, including support for major events like Sydney Festival, Biennale, Mardi Gras and Lunar New Year, and we provide small grants, sponsorships and programs for the vital seedbeds of our cultural life.

We’ve sponsored the creation of 32 permanent public artworks, including five in our Eora Journey program of First Nations recognition and celebration which continues with the delivery of Yananurala, a nine-kilometre walk that highlights Aboriginal history and culture at places along the Sydney harbour foreshore.